Whales are considered to be the least studied marine mammals on earth due to their secretive lifestyle while they roam the world’s oceans. From birth till maturity, their lives are still quite murky for the studies only go on seasonal observations by scientists. Their long lifespan and large size prevents them from being captured and raised in captivity where scientists have learned so much about the world’s many marine animals. Breeding, diets, and many other aspects of their daily lives still elude our scientists and new innovative developments like the whale cam, which is a camera that attached to the back of whales allowing scientists to see what they do when they go miles under the sea to feed or do whatever whales do.
Protecting the oceans is still the first step and education is the key. Efforts have been quite successful but their numbers still dwindle on the brink of extinction. Some species are even thought to be almost wiped out due to few sightings. Plastic pollution in the seas is also becoming a greater threat for these artificial wrappers do not degrade and are often blamed for the deaths of many marine animals which die from ingesting or getting caught in them. There is need for protection for these giants who have a right to live as we do for they have long been in the seas long before man has ever been on earth and man who is considered to be the only being on this planet who has the power to save or wipe out a species should do everything in it’s power to do so. Save our Seas and save the Whales, we might just end up saving ourselves.
Originally posted on February 25, 2008 @ 6:39 am