People will do crazy things and this is perhaps what many are thinking when Miss Universe Australia, Laura Dundovic, offered herself for a date with the highest bidder via a website. The website is located at The bidding starts at $1 dollar which commences on August 14 and will run for 10 days. The winning bidder will be having dinner with Ms. Australia at an exclusive restaurant.
Many may call it nothing new although the first thing that we would associate such a move would be in the movies. But today, it is a reality and all for charity. It is not about the distinction of being able to date Miss Australia but about helping for a charitable cause. The proceeds from the auction will be handed over to the Children’s Hospital at Westmead.
“It’’s a bit exciting to be auctioned off as a date but it’’s been three years since I last went on one, so I have high expectations and am expecting to get swept off my feet,” The Daily Telegraph quoted Dundovic, as saying.
Originally posted on August 15, 2008 @ 12:00 am