Australia’s marsupials have long suffered from these introduced species that Bandicoots other indigenous animal life have almost been wiped out of their previous territories. Australia isolated a portion of its territory, fencing it and killing all non-native species that come in or near it to preserve and allow them to recover. In New Zealand, Kiwis(the flightless bird not the fruit) which has long been part of their cultural heritage have long been extinct in developed areas, thriving only in isolated islands where non-native species have been able to reach. In the Philippines, Sea turtles have long been used for food and commerce that the WWF through local groups and the government, have been working to establish sanctuaries to safeguard the beaches which they use for nesting from predators (dogs, cats and humans) patrolled by volunteers till the eggs hatch. The said volunteers aid the hatchling to the sea lessening the deaths that occur due to natural predation from sea birds.
The great elephants of Thailand are now beginning to receive protection with neglected ones being cared fro and rehabilitated for release into wildlife preserves. Orangutans in the Malaysian isles have been protected fro sometime with some headway in terms of breeding and the establishment of large enough rainforest to allow them to thrive and breed naturally.
All these species have been threatened and continue to be threatened by our activities, so much that some are already in the endangered species list. Many still suffer from poaching due to the huge demand for traditional medicine and cure-alls that efforts are making a small impact on the demand. The small steps we take towards a ecologically diverse and stable wildlife community should also include habitat that should be protected by their governments in order to prevent illegal activities. The West and their citizens have long promoted protection for animals and their habitat sometimes when they themselves experience them as tourists to these foreign lands. Locals too have been touched by the plight of these animals that they have banded with volunteers from other nations in the quest to preserve and protect our native species. To end it, all of us can do our share in the drive for the preservation and protection of animal species through donations and volunteer work. Check out your local wildlife centers for any needs and please donate to help them.
Originally posted on February 16, 2008 @ 2:44 am