Giving to charity is a great way to contribute to society by selflessly giving to those who are more in need than you. People are always talking about the benefits of charity contributions from the tax breaks to feeling good within yourself.
But how do you give to charity if you simply don’t have the funds? Perhaps you don’t have the luxury of donating $100,000 to a recovery center. Sometimes there are ways to give that don’t involve any currency or bank accounts, simply human kindness and generosity.
Some might say giving volunteering hours can’t be even more gratifying than paying a charity. You may not get a tax break, but your heart will be fulfilled and you will sleep soundly knowing that you played your part in making the world a better place.
Take a look at some of these volunteering ideas, and try one of these next time you simply don’t have the funds to donate!
Work With Troubled Youths
There are a variety of circumstances that can lead to a troubled youth. From simple teen angst to strained family conditions, many teenagers can find themselves without anyone to turn to in this incredibly stressful period of a person’s life.
Many organizations have volunteer slots available to talk to teens or simply hang out with them. It can be as simple as volunteering to play board games or go for a walk.
Take a look online and discover how you can make a difference in a child’s life.
Volunteer at a Homeless Shelter
A single homeless shelter provides clean bedding, food, and warmth to thousands of people each year. These shelters depend on the volunteer work of generous citizens to help serve the food or coordinate activities.
The best time to volunteer at a shelter is on a major holiday such as Christmas or Thanksgiving. This is when the most amount of people are taken in and demands to serve the meals and clean the plates are at a high.
Pick up Trash
There are lots of organizations that commit themselves to picking up litter in densely polluted areas. These people go around in groups and pick up non-biodegradable material and make the environment better for all of us.
If you don’t join an organization, another option is simply going it alone. Try picking up litter anywhere that you see it, even if it’s not yours. Carry around a small plastic bag and wrap it around your hand to protect yourself from germs.
Foster Animals
Being a foster parent for adopted animals in between homes is a great way to be of help to an animal in need. Rather than the animal being stuck in a small cage or kennel during the waiting period, instead, they have a happy and loving home that provides for them.
Originally posted on November 22, 2016 @ 8:25 am