There are many charity organizations all over the world. They sponsor many causes. They need the help of many people in order to make a difference. Yet many are turned off by the mere thought of charity. Most believe it means giving a handout. Others see it as a waste of time since problems never go away whether it is poverty or disease. Most of the general public feel, there is no point in taking part since they themselves would never take “charity” from anyone.
Yet no one can predict the changes that life brings. An unexpected fire in the neighborhood that raged out of control can mean the loss of your home. A tsunami like that which hit Asia or hurricane Katrina can change lives from well of to homeless and with nothing.
Charity is about helping out as best you can. It isn’t always about money, though we all know that helps. It is about someone throwing a life saver to a stranger simply because we know they need help.
Habitat for Humanity is a popular choice of a lot of people. This organization works to create homes for people who need a hand up, not a hand out. In fact, the new home owners also contribute to the building of their home which is the best groups to help. People can participate a couple of ways. First, donate money. Any amount you wish to give is welcome. Second, and this is the more popular choice, contribute your strength, skill and your time. This for some is a bigger contribution than just cash. It means hours lifting and pouring, hammering, painting or any other carpentry skill that most of us do not usually do.
The end result: a home for a family that needs one created by strangers that they are unlikely to meet. There many people out there who need homes. It feels really good to actually be able to see where your assistance makes a difference, doesn’t it?
Originally posted on December 4, 2006 @ 6:57 am