Becoming educated on the basics of first aid can help you save a life. Whether it helps because you know how to appropriately perform CPR when needed, or you simply know what not to do in case of an emergency, it’s a skill everyone should acquire. Proper first aid training is essential in any situation, at any time.
Headwear rules in first aid
One of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to first aid is headwear. Those who are not well-versed in first aid might not know that it is never acceptable to remove headwear on a victim with a head injury. This is one of the most important rules of first aid.
Never remove a hat or helmet from a person who appears to have sustained a blow to the head. Whatever that person is wearing on their head could prevent the blood flow from becoming too extreme. Removing said headwear could cause a victim to bleed out.
Doctors like it dirty
Poisonous animals are out and about all the time. If you or someone you know sustains a bit or sting by a poisonous creature, do not wash the bite site. First aid rules require you to cover the bite location with plastic wrap and head straight to a doctor.
Access to the poison in the bite or sting can help the physician determine which animal bit the victim, which is essential in determining the best course of treatment.
F.A.S.T. thinking is always best
At any moment of any day, someone you know could have a stroke. First aid training teaches that you need to use the F.A.S.T. signs to determine whether or not this is happening to someone. F.A.S.T. stands for face, arms, speech and time.
The face will droop, the arms will not move and speech becomes almost impossible. If you perceive any of these symptoms, then “T” comes into play. It means that time is critical and emergency medical attention is needed as soon as possible.
First aid training
First aid training is available everywhere from classes to the internet. If your schedule doesn’t allow you much free time until the kids go to bed, perhaps an online first aid course is the best choice for you. In this class, you will learn the basics of first aid, including the most important information about saving a life and the misconceptions you might be under.
Knowing first aid is a highly useful and impressive skill. When you are able to take charge of a situation with confidence because your training and certification provides you with the knowledge needed in the moment, you could save a life. If something were to happen to you, you’d certainly want someone trained in first aid to come to your rescue.
Originally posted on July 25, 2013 @ 2:33 am