If you are trying to raise funds for your favorite charity there are many ways that you can do it. You can go door to door and ask for help which is tiring and may not bring in a lot of money. You can have cans for donations on every counter of every store that you can convince to support your cause, but that brings in very small change.
The key to fund raising is to create events that people will want to take part of. Create an event that people will be willing to pay to be part. This means that they have to feel that it is worth their time as well as their money because as you know, we want people to give not just once, but as often as their generous hearts and pockets can allow.
A favorite event for fund raising is a golf tournament. Many people play golf. They will play no matter what the weather, no matter what the season, no matter the time of day. They will play if you put them on a good green at a reasonable price. They will play if they have decent competition. They may even play if they are competing against celebrities or masters just to test their own performance. They will pay to participate, you just need to make sure they have fun and don’t forget lunch.
You won’t be able to pull it off alone. You will be able to raise more if you have sponsors. Your sponsors can include the company that owns the golf course, the catering company and some companies to give prizes, giveaways or just cash donations.
Originally posted on July 14, 2011 @ 3:46 pm